Gurdjieff Studies is an educational charity dedicated to advancing the teaching and philosophy of G I Gurdjieff. It was founded by pupils of James Moore, Gurdjieff's biographer and himself a pupil for twenty one years of Madame Henriette Lannes. Madame Lannes was a pupil of Gurdjieff during the last eleven years of his life.
We conduct guided Study Groups, Reading Groups, classes in Movements (Sacred Dance), Practical Work (eg. gardening, craft work) and other activities - offering the conditions in which personal self-study and development become possible.
Our meetings are primarily in London, but senior members conduct Reading Groups at locations on the South Coast of England and in South Wales.
If you would like to start a Reading Group in your area, please contact us; we may be able to help.

"We generally believe that attention comes only from our thinking centre, although there exists within us possible levels of attention coming simultaneously from our intellect, our body and our feeling. At certain moments we see, though perhaps distantly, that this attention - freer but still insufficiently developed in us - is the key to a greater inner opening in which less heavy, finer energies come together. These energies confer life, light and warmth on our inner world, in the service of a Great Reality in the universe, just as the sun confers these things on the Earth. For those who wish to awaken to what they truly are, this new attention has more value than anything else in their lives."
Henriette Lannes
Henriette Lannes (1899-1980)